Donkervoort strengthens its sales and service network by appointing a new Donkervoort Dealer & Service Centre in Belgium. Donkervoort continues to actively build its presence in Europe; the service and sales network in Belgium has been strengthened through a new collaboration. Van Eyken Motors bvba, centrally located near the city of Brussels, has been appointed as an official Donkervoort Dealer & Service Centre with effect from today. Donkervoort expects this development to increase its share of the Belgian market, where the brand has been active ever since the company was founded. This service centre will also offer existing Donkervoort customers in Belgium an even higher level of service and support.
Van Eyken Motors is based in Herent, close to Leuven. The company, which is run by Kenny van Eyken, has built an excellent reputation in recent years as a specialist in exclusive sports cars. Kenny van Eyken is also active in motorsport and successfully races lightweight sports cars. It is the shared passion for motorsport that brought Donkervoort and Van Eyken Motors together. As a Donkervoort Dealer and Service Centre, Van Eyken Motors will offer maintenance and service for Donkervoort cars and additionally offer potential buyers the opportunity to first experience a new or used Donkervoort. From the summer of 2018, a brand-new Donkervoort D8 GTO-RS will be on display in the showroom of Van Eyken Motors and will also be available for an initial introduction and/or test drive. All these activities will take place with the support of and in close collaboration with Donkervoort Automobielen.

Denis Donkervoort
“We are delighted to be working with Van Eyken Motors and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship. We have good hope to expand our Belgian customer base!”
Managing Director – Donkervoort Automobielen
Donkervoort. No Compromise.

Contact details
Van Eyken Motors
Nieuwe Bornestraat 47
3012 Wilsele
T: + 32 (0) 16 88 52 01