Older Donkervoort models (S8, S8AT, D10, D8 ZETEC) are equipped with a fuel tank guage (JAEGER 337517 01 J8 12V) pick-up gasket, mounted vertical/ sideways (which is a bit silly) on one of the 2 petrol tanks. The OEM gasket is made out of cork (left image). Older Donkervoorts initially start to get ‘smelly’ in the garage.
Levels of petrol smell vary, but it can be irritating. When the gaskets are extremely dry as a result of low petrol levels in the tank after driving, they can even end up to leak. That can be dangerous. So the advise is to replace your gasket to prevent it from leaking. Several liters of fuel can drip in your garage as a result of a gasket failure. You can imagine what happens in such a case when you operate the light switch in your garage full of petrol and petrol fumes… The red dot with ‘DV’ is the mounting position of the pick-up seal, so you can imagine the leaking problems.
Donkervoort however does not offer a replacement part. Not to worry. A Donkervoort driver from abroad came up with a new produced gasket. A drawing was made in AutoCAD and a replacement part is manufactured utilizing Nitril rubber reinforced material with high petrol resistance. So if you are interested in this part, just mail us and we will get back to you on availability and shipment cost.
Store your Donkervoort during the winter season with the fuel tank filled up at least 2/3 to prevent your seal from drying. You can use an anti-aging / petrol stabilizer additive for your petrol.
Note: Later D8 models and the GTO have a different (top of the fuel tank) mounting position and use different gasket material. Not to worry there.